Direct consultation is free to all to contact Dr.Gurudeva either by phone: 732-448-0667(U.S.A) or in person.-:- Talk to Dr.Gurudeva and know the solutions to your problems. -:- Gems are considered as the first remedial measure to doshas, malefic effects of planets. -:- Rings made with gems should be open on their backside except for Diamond. -:- Gems can be worn either as pendants or rings. -:- Each gem should be worn on a designated finger only. -:- Gem weight must be calculated on the basis of Strength of the planet in horoscope, Age and Weight of the person. -:- Never remove your lucky gems from your body once worn in auspicious time. -:- Only certain gems are suitable to the person. -:- Gems must be worn in auspicious time to get the excellent results. -:- Indraneelam is the most powerful gem among all gems. -:- Gems yield results in Dasas or Antar dasas of planets. -:- Yellow sapphire is not suitable to everyone, even though Guru is a natural benefic planet.

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Name: Rojaramani Date: 2014-06-14

Today the peace and happiness in my family is due to Dr.Gurudev. The gemstone and the mantra which he gave me worked miraclously. His expertise in astrology is really great.I got his number while surfing the net,I really thank God for helping me to meet him.

Name: mamta Patel Date: 2014-05-10

I have no words to add on for me gurudeva is a god his miracles are hard to describe and moreover he is kind, understanding and non greedy soul. Whatever he sees and predicts come true no matter what happens his said words are like words from god. Not only me but my family have also started to believe him. I have strong faith in him. Amazing and marvellous is his services.

Name: Reena Date: 2014-03-22

I was suffering from black magic 13 years wherever I went was never cured. I contacted doctor Gurudeva and he removed this black magic which gave me positive results and now I am happy and better.. I would like to thank Doctor Gurudeva ji for being there for me and curing me. I would personally advice those suffering from major problems to contact our Gurudeva.. MANY THANKS!!!!!

Name: caprice Date: 2013-12-20

I love him!!! I went in person today and he is an hour away from me. I am so lucky to be close enough to go and see him. I know I am going to have a great life that I can better understand, and I will always visit him for guidance. He is so smart and has so much patience! I will go every month and now things will be fine with me. Thank you so much Dr. Gurudeva, for everything. I must get me red coral immediately so I will not be stressed :). Love Caprice

Name: Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan Date: 2013-08-02

I found Guruji when i was surfing the net for a good astrologer in US. When i called him i felt relieved as in my life i went through a lot and wehn i told him everthing he was kind to hear my sadness and took my dob and place and even with all the stuff goign aroung my life he even foudn my correct time. Then i told him about my love of my life and wanted to know when is this goign to happen as per his advice we did pooja and suddenly i found the changes has taken place. he suggested precious ring for me and him which really worked out, our parents was mad and sad and now they are happy for us and agreed to get us married together. I coudl say that this will never happened if i never made that call. i was at the sucide point and he is the one who gave me a reason to live. ever thing was falling apart and nwo everythign is where is suppose to be with his greatness. we are plannign for my marraige on Oct and he is the one who is suggesting the time too. as soon as the marriage is done me and my hubby will go together to see him to get his blessing.

Name: Gurvinder singh Nice Pendant ,Natural stone Date: 2013-07-08

Dr.Gurudeva, Appreciating for your prompt services in USA. 2 days back I recieved my Yellow sapphire pendant. And It is very nice and shining well with carving work.Thanks for sending my pendant in time.Nobody giving this type of services in USA. I confirmed this is Natural stone and Iam very happy for that one.Wishing you to do well and gain lot of name and fame in astrology.I will contact you again for my daughters horoscope.You are unique in astrology.

Name: RAJ KUMAR Date: 2012-07-07

thnaks a lot Dr.Gurudeva. As per your guidance I started businessess and now Iam seeing huge success in it. I didn`t know until you told me, Business is my destined field. Now Iam happy. Wish you Live long !!!!

Name: Palani Subramanyam Got Job!!!! Date: 2012-06-30

I want to share my thing here. I was on bench for more than 8 months. I contacted Dr.Gurudeva for my stars position.As per Gurudeva`s advise I wore my birthstone and went through spiritual healing. I got job last week (with in 40 days after healing).In this Interview I saw lot of change in my attitude, behaviour,mental status,personality. I totally come out from my depression. I got lot of confidence.Iam grateful to Dr.Gurudeva.I believe I can do well in this present job.God bless him.

Name: Divya Dutta Passed my USMLE exam Date: 2012-05-08

Dear Dr.Gurudeva, Finally I passed my step2 exam.Again I got confidence, I can get in to residency.Iam appreciating for your help.

Name: Parul Date: 2011-04-16

I met Guruji 3 months back and after his poojas and remedies of wearing gemstones it has changed my life. Thank You Guruji for all your help. I really recommend this website for anyone who needs help. Guruji's predictions are really accurate.

Name: Ayesha Mohammad I want to share my experience Date: 2011-04-12

Dr.Gurudeva done pooja for me couple of months back and I felt lot of change in my health,in my life there afterwords.Now Iam feeling lot of betterment.I regained my confidence and doing well.Follow remedies as it is said by Gurudeva to get 100% results. Ayesha,New York.USA.

Name: Ajay Pandey Thanks !!!!!!! Date: 2010-04-08

Thank you Guruji, I got marry on march 21. Iam appreciating for your help and prayers.I am following remedies all the time. My parents are now happy for my marriage, even it is delayed marriage.God bless you.

Name: William Hobock Appreciating Date: 2010-03-11

Yes, These powerstones did magic in my life. Everything going in my life as per predictions.I love Indian astrology.I would like to wear Rudraksha.Where do I get ek-mukhi Rudrakscha ? Pls help me Guruji.Iam appreciating for your greatness!!!! God bless you.

Name: suja Date: 2010-03-01

Dr.Gurudeva has exactly predicted the past and future for us and I was so amazed when he told the past events in our lives which were very true. I really believe that he has the capacity to perdict the future events due to worship of the durgama. And the best part of consulting Dr.Gurudeva is the Gem recomendation. I am a person who don't believe that just wearing a gemstone might be beneficial. but Iam amazed to see the results of the Gem he gave me. I started noticing the result immeadietly little but now it's almost going to be three months and Iam getting more good results and the gem is improving a lot of my life. I recommended this site to my brother too.I rally believe that if anyone has any kind of problem they should consult Dr.Gurudeva and get the remedies. Thak you very much Dr. Gurudeva.

Name: Radha Now we are happy Date: 2009-07-27

Dr.Gurudeva, Iam sorry to write my feedback very late.We are staying in Memphis. I was 100% benefitted by Dr.Gurudeva`s remedies.Actually we were about to divorce.But with the graces remedies and guruji`s prayers the problem solved and now Iam very happy with my husband.Iam appreciating Guruji`s services in USA.

Name: Shinde Got Male child Date: 2008-02-15

I would like to say thanks to Dr.Gurudeva. Because of your blessings we got male child 1 week back. We are very very happy. We followed the remedies what you said to us as it is and my wife wore pukhraj gemstone which you sent to us.After 7 yrs of our marriage we got this child. My parents and my in laws also very happy and we are grateful to you all the time.We will come and meet you with our child in 2 weeks to get the name to our child.Iam donating some gratitude to your charitable trust. pls accept.Hope you remember us.

Name: Vijaya Date: 2008-02-07

I contacted Dr. Gurudeva for the first time last October i.e. October 2007. At first, I was skeptical more so because things were not at all going well with me, in my professional as well as personal life. I was incurring losses and had lost mental and physical well-being. At that stage when I first read Dr. Gurudeva's accurate horoscope predictions, I was convinced that I had met a TRUE GUIDE indeed. He then suggested remedies... which could be easily followed and also, performed remedial poojas & blessed the gems' pendent for me. Ever since I started wearing the gems pendent and following his guidance earnestly, I have to admit that things have really started turning around for me in all spheres...so much so that it seems astonishing, esp within such a short time period! Dr. Gurudeva is very easy to approach and is extremely patient when it comes to answering queries and clearing one's doubts. May God continue to shower his choicest blessings on Dr. Gurudeva... I thank him for his noble service and ever so willing guidance. If anyone is facing any kind of problem, I recommend calling Guruji immediately...I only wish I had found this site before!

Name: MGBADA JOE http://WWW.ABA.COM Date: 2008-01-31


Name: Vijay Date: 2008-01-30

Hi this is VERY IMPORTANT Personal Experience about Guruji's prediction. My dream was USA but i don’t have any job Experience in India and also i tried a lot to get Indian job but unfortunately i didn't this is normal story. After that i went to guruji's Place and i follow the Guruji's words as it is for my USA dream, One small thing about My dream 'i have USA dream but I don’t have the confidence on that' b cause nearly 87% are rejected from Mumbai Embassy who are very confident in their platform and all are maximum are Indian job holders only, that time i discussed with Guruji about my qualification, work Experience,confidence,chances,interview ability all comparing with them who are rejected from embassy, frankly i don’t have any hopes, that time guruji promised me and said "Mr. Vijay don’t bother u have to Believe my words, I AM GIVING U A MUHURTHA(date and Time of Interview) BE CONFIDENT U WILL GET VISA" i said yes, Guruji given One ULTIMATE MUHURTHAM,I follow the words. The result is 'I GOT VISA '.......wow how the power works with Guruji's words......Unbelievable....i sincerely thanks to GURUJI, all the credit goes to Guruji only.

Name: ravi http://www.andhrajyothy.com Date: 2008-01-26

i want to know my astrology

Name: yaramallasunil www.google.com Date: 2008-01-18

Guruvaya, I will ask some hindu god questions tell me the answers send the answers on mye-mail is yaramalla_sunil2000@yahoo.co.in 1)what is durga bhavani power to create all things? 2)durga bhavani has power in his hand what is that power name? 3)Tadasthu or any other power is there to create any thing or any other power is there in durga bhavani hand what is that power name? 4)Tell one veda mantram to create any thing?

Name: Dolly Patel Grateful to you for giving cheaper prices. Date: 2008-01-15

Dr.Gurudeva I like the Ring very much. The design is very nice almost seems to be like machine made. I never saw such type of handwork in USA.I just want to say thanks once again for giving Natural gemstone with all pooja process for Indian prices. These prices are very cheap compared to USA prices. Iam appreciating you.I will take my other Gemstone also soon. Thanks !!!!!!.

Name: Pankaj Mukerjee Following procedure is Mandatory Date: 2008-01-11

Thank you Dr.Gurudeva to made me join in Job.I know Gemstones giving excellent results apart from all remedies. I have been trying these gemstones for the past 5 years. I was decieted by some jewellers in India by wearing synthetic gems.I never feel good results by wearing them. Fortunately with my poorva janma virtue I met Guruji and Guruji prescribed correct accurate gems suitable to me and the procedure we need to follow before wearing Gems as Rings.I wondered by knowing the procedure Dr.Gurudeva following before shipping them to us.Here Iam mentioning what I come to know by talking Dr.Gurudeva 1)Gemstone should fix in the Ring in auspicious time as per our horoscope.2)Suddhi 3)Putting in pooja and chanting that particular planet Mantra`s for particular days to make them effective.4)Putting in milk and chanting mantra`s at our home.5)Wearing Time:This is the most crucial part in Gemstone prescription. If we wear them in good time good results will contine, If we wear them in Bad time bad results will continue.There are some particular lagna`s allocated to wear the gemstones.Dr.Gurudeva calculate this lagna`s based on our Rasi, Nakshathra and let us know when to wear them.I hope this information will help to all. God bless him.and Need blessings from Guruji.

Name: Abhishek Date: 2007-12-30

I Contacted Dr. Gurudeva before 3 months regarding my lucky gem. Dr. Gurudeva recommended lucky gem according to my horoscope. Its really working for me Like i am getting more work and having more confidence in me. Gems really works.

Name: charanjit kaur Date: 2007-12-29

dr gurudeva please e mail my horoscope to me thankyou

Name: Roberta Alicia Kelley Date: 2007-12-29

I am very interested. So much is going on in my life.

Name: Guruprit Date: 2007-12-26

I just want to let everyone know that Dr. Gurudeva is a very nice and caring person. He's not like a lot of people i have met in my difficult time that care more about money. He really cares and is using his God's gift for the right reasons. I have just started seeking his guidiance and already his assurance has made me think positive about things. I will continue to follow his remedies and have faith it will lead me to happiness soon. May God continue to bless Dr. Gurudeva and I thank him for his patience and kindness. If anyone has any problem i recommend calling Guruji immediately, I wish I had found this site before.

Name: Vivek Date: 2007-12-25

Excellent!! Keep it up

Name: ulhas Date: 2007-12-15

Respected,sir, i saw this site today and i felt very happy,because,i was praying God, whom shall i ask about my sons Marriage and career and when he will settal in life then i saw your webpage so, i am writing sir,if you are givin free astrology then i will send my son ok, his birth date is 17thmay 1978-11-15am,Dashmi thiti,Puraphalguni Naxatra,Simha Rashi, Birthplace,Sholapur,Maharashtr,INDIA. so,please,to feel me happy and satisfaction please,give me one line answer,for my sons future. and when his sadesathi,will over,it is good or bad?

Name: Issac Ahmed Nice Meeting Date: 2007-12-11

I met Dr.Gurudeva One month back and I felt happy about his Predictions.I am strong believer of vedic astrology.Dr.gurudeva predicted my past life and showed the path to my career.I referred to my relatives also. I will follow all things as it is said by Guruji.Expecting Guruji blessings all the time.

Name: Arthy Date: 2007-11-16

Predictions were accurate . reasonable person in predicting and consulting. Patience to answer numerous Question. Thank u gurudeva . We owe u 1 . :)

Name: Mc Gairy, CA, USA Excellent services in USA Date: 2007-11-06

Hi, I took telephone consultation with Dr.Gurudeva last night.I was very much pleased with his analysis of my Horoscope.Really I love it. Iam very much appreciating Dr.Gurudeva for giving free services in most reliable difficult misterious science VEDIC ASTROLOGY.I will definitely follow remedies said by Dr.Gurudeva. Hereafterwords he is my real Guru.I came to know the power of Natural Gems, Poojas, Homas,Yantras, Taveezs , Rudrakshas etc. Really Indians are blessed with Divinity power thats why they have Veda`s, Vedic Astrology. We are jealous about Indians.

Name: Chandrika Date: 2007-10-09

I want to thank Dr.Gurudeva for suggesting auspicious time for my cesarean section. My father-in-law checked my baby's horoscope with many astrologers that he know in India. Everybody praised the horoscope and the excellent birth timing. I am very thankful to Gurudeva. I suggest everyone who has to go thru C-section to exploit the selection of auspicious timing to give birth.I now think undergoing c-section is much better than normal deliveries by the grace of Guruji.

Name: Kavitha Ramachandran My son changed Date: 2007-09-26

Respected Guruji, After following your remedies now we are watching positive results in my son. We never expect this much change in my son.Now He quitted smoking and marijuana. Going to school regularly. We are always grateful to you. When we come New Jersey , we will meet you. Thanking you. Kavitha Ramachandran Little Rock, AR

Name: Jonathan Josef Now Iam a believer of vedic astrology Date: 2007-09-03

Iam from Bangladesh, but settled in USA since 1990.I visited Dr.Gurudeva`s home last month because of my mothers pressure. It was very nice experience such a qualified person giving his services free of cost in astrology. Until then I thought astrology is a blind belief.But now I changed my mind and started believing vedic astrology.Astrology is nothing but how planets in solar system influencing human beings on earth.Why planets always rotating in elliptical shape around sun? Why not they deviate from their orbits? Why should we advice pregnant ladys to dont go outside during sun/moon eclipse periods.What is Rasi? 360 degrees around earth is divided in to 12 parts i.e each 30 degrees. each 30 degrees named as each Rasi.Each planet balancing other planets with counter forces.What a explanations!!!!. Iam going to wear yellow sapphire soon. yellow sapphire will absorb rays coming from planet Jupiter and pass them on to my skin/body.Iam appreciating Dr.Gurudeva`s services in most reliable scientific vedic astrology.Iam bending my head to Maharshi`s/seers those who wrote astrology thousands of years back without any telescopes ,satellites. Their 6th sense is amazing.I came to know Indian supreme court also verdicted ASTROLOGY IS A SCIENCE AND YOU CAN IMPLEMENT ASTROLOGY SCIENCES IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES."INDIAN SUBCONTINENT IS THE TERMITE FOR HIDDEN SCIENCES."

Name: Gana Date: 2007-08-27

Great site!!

Name: Manjeeth Singh My Experience Date: 2007-08-26

Iam appreciating Dr.Gurudeva`s qualified services in Astrology. Eventhough I belongs to Sikh community My entire family believe this Vedic astrology since long back. I feel this vedic astrology is a science and purely based on planetory motions in solar system and calculations. I met Dr.Gurudeva directly 6 months back and I was in big trouble at that time.Gurudeva told whats going to happen in future regarding my problem. Whatever he predicted same thing happend. I was unfortunate because Gurudeva clearly told me my problem was not remediable. Any how hereafterwords I will follow Guruji`s advises regularly in my life. Iam appreciating his patience and knowledge in astrology. I strongly believe he has some 6th sence.

Name: Gopal Raju. A Family friend Date: 2007-08-14

Hi , I would like to tell about myself. My family and Gurudeva`s family is friends since long back.Sr.Guruji wrote my Jathakam at the age of 9. Till now in my life each and everything happend as it is said by Sr.Guruji. Whenever I get any problem in my life I just go through my Jathakam and come to the solution. I wonder How accurate the predictions based on planetary effects on humanbeings.Dr.Gurudeva (Jr.gurudeva) now took the role of Sr.guruji and continuing his services in Astrology. I apprciate this site broadened his services all over world.Getting well qualified experienced Daivopasi Astrologer is our fortune.Iam very happy by reading all these reviews. I appreciate for his excellent complete services in astrology with lots of patience and that too with free of cost.

Name: Asha Must Read it !!!!!! Date: 2007-08-11

When doctors couldn't help, I started trusting astrologers for my problem. I have been going thru multiple miscarriages and there is no one I didn't believed and followed their remedies. But nothing helped, until I met Dr.Guruji who explained my sins in my last janma, and remedies to it. Also he gave me the auspicious period to concieve my next child. I have followed those remedies wth utmost care, no other suggestions by anyother person. Now I have a given birth to a healthy male child. My family is very very happy. Having known about Guriji is one of the luckiest thing in mylife!

Name: Murugan sakya Wonder!! this time I got visa.....gemstone worked! Date: 2007-08-10

Thanks to you guruji, i am very happy. As u said this time i got my visa today in chennai. I am always grateful to u. Really this gemstone did magic in my life, I lost all my hopes and confidence about my higher eduation in usa. You saved me when i was in the critical situation. I will always consult and follow your suggestions in future. Also I will recommend about u to my entire family and freinds.

Name: Patel B Rajesh , New Jersey USA Now Our family Astrologer is Dr.Gurudeva Date: 2007-08-09

Hi,I would like to explain my experience with Dr.Gurudeva. Some astrologer in India told, my daughter has severe dosham in horoscope and whoever going to marry will die with in 3 months.We were so much scared and depressed. One day I met Dr.Gurudeva directly bcoz he is staying very near to my home. Dr.Gurudeva explained each and everything about my daughter`s horoscope and told remedies also.We got lot of relief and confidence after talking with Guruji and we fallowed all remedies as it is said by him. My daughter got married 8 months back and nothing bad happend to my son in law and to my daughter.Thereafterwords I recommend him to atleast 20 of my relatives and colleagues. Iam always thankful to Dr.Gurudeva.

Name: Mathew P , Kerala Correct Gemstone Date: 2007-08-09

I consulted so many astrologers regarding my correct lucky stone. Everybody told different different gemstones.I never satisfied by their answers. I was in confusion. I came to know about Dr.Gurudeva through Internet and consulted him and got satisfactory answers. Dr.Gurudeva explained each and everything about gemstone and why should I need that Gem and How it effectes, everything. Now Iam 100% confident and I am going to buy gemstone in his website. I appreciate for his free services in astrology. I recommend all to talk Dr.Gurudeva directly.Eventhough Iam a christian I believe hindu astrology and this gemsstones are common to all religions people.One more thing I forgot to tell you Dr.Gurudeva has lot of patience and never slipped tongue even I irritated with so many nonsence questions.I believe he is a devotee and have some powers.This is my personal opinion after talking with him.

Name: Nanda Gopal Wonder.....Iam seeing results Date: 2007-07-27

Dear Guruji I just want to say thanks through your website.I didnt speak with you directly but I followed your remedies as it is as you said in email. I am wondering how these miracles happening in my life. Before getting your mail I contacted so many astrologers and vexed with their foolish and funniest predictions and remedies. Your services are so great and your predictions are awesome. Iam so much interested to wear yellow sapphire also. Once I get sufficient money I will get back to you. Iam always grateful to you.

Name: Rajagopalan Date: 2007-07-15

Iam sharing my experience with Dr.Gurudeva to all. I staying in USA for the past 10 yrs.Still my position is not stable.Whatever I earn till now i lost it inbuisiness.After talking with Gurudeva I came to know that these are due to my Daridra yogam and sadhe sati. I followed the remedies to above doshas as said by Guruji and now all my mental tensions gone and I started my new life again.Thanks a million to Dr.Gurude va.And Iam confidently telling you all follow the remedies with faith and concentration to get immediate results.Happyness is more important than earning money.

Name: Kartheeka Date: 2007-07-12

Here Iam explaining my experience bcoz I neglected the advices of Dr.Gurudeva about my 1 yr child`s health. Now we came to know our child have hole in the heart.Guruji predicted the same at his 1 month old.Time exceeded to rectify this problem.Iam regretting now.Dont show pity on me.

Name: sudha nannapaneni Iam always grateful to Guruji Date: 2007-07-12

Dear Guruji, Thanks a million for your remedies to get male child as my 3rd issue.And your predictions come true as it is said by you.Now iam very happy and Iam donating some amount to charity/donations section for Charitable trust.Hope you remember me.

Name: chetana Date: 2007-05-31

Dr. Gurudeva is a very kind and helpful

Name: Ramesh Date: 2007-05-29

I consulted Dr.Gurudeva to know auspicious time for my wife`s cesarean section.Operation went well without any problems and as said by Gurudeva Iam blessed with Baby Boy.Iam grateful to him.

Name: Rashmi katti Date: 2007-05-25

I would like to Thank Gurudev for his services. I felt strong and good after consulting him.

Name: Gajendra Naidu Date: 2007-05-21

Here Iam writing my experience with Dr.Gurudeva. I met Dr.Gurudeva 2 yrs back in India and I wore yellowsapphire as per the advise of Dr.Gurudeva. I got married last year and this year i got postgraduate seat.These are my successive major successes.Iam happy now and thankful to Gurudeva.Now my entire family believing Gurudeva and following his advises.

Name: Dr.Rambabu Date: 2007-05-16

Iam Dr.Rambabu, staying in hyderabad, India.I know Dr.Gurudeva since long time.But I dont have faith in astrology.My only problem was my marriage.I have seen so many alliances but no one settled. Some alliances cancelled even after enguagement.I was in depression.My age already crossed 30. At that time Dr.Gurudeva asked my date of birth,time and place and asked me to wear yellow sapphire& Red coral.I wore those Gems even I dont have faith in astrology because of my parents pressure.You believe or not the alliance which one cancelled enguagement, again came back and asked me to marry that girl.I refused and got enguagement with some other girl with in a month.Now Iam happy with my wife and one baby boy.I just browing internet and got idea to write my experience after seeing others feedbacks.Thanks a lot to Dr.Gurudeva.

Name: sushma Date: 2007-05-16

hai this is sushma.I want to tell my experience with gurudev garu.I am trying for my job from last 4 to 5months,but nothing worked out well,very narrowly i use to miss my oppurtunities.Then through my google search I got the infromation and immediately contacted him.He explained me my doshams and remedies too.how I dont know as soon as I talked to gurudev garu I started believing him.Immediately started all the remedies i need to follow,but u wont believe i got the job with good pay and our greencard has been moved.so we are so happy and i just want to make my family to believe in him.ijust believed that GOD only send him for me to help me with all the problems i have.Once again thank u verymuch for him.If everybody get his social help taht will great and everybody can live happily.

Name: Siddartha goel Date: 2007-05-16

This Gem realy did miracle.For the past 2yrs Iam trying to get in to job but my trails never been succeeded.Everytime I missed chances narrowly.I came to know about this site through google search and gave message.I got prompt reply from Dr.Gurudeva and prescribed me to wear Gomedh and asked me to follow some remedies.I met Guruji directly to know more about my horoscope.I got faith and satisfaction after meeting Guruji.Guruji also explained the importance of that Gem based on my horoscope planetory positions,dasas and purpose. I wondered Guruji also predicted some of my major past events.I got faith on Guruji.Before that I met so many astrologers and they said different different Gems. I tried those gems but never succeeded.Some times I got harm/bad results.But this time unhesitantly I bought Gem from Guruji and followed the procedure as it is said by Guruji.Wonder, with in 2 weeks got appointment order from 4 months back interviewed company. Actually I lost hopes on that company.Now I can tell you Real astrology will make wonders.No doubt about it. Those who are showing ways to us are always called as Guruji`s..I strongly decided to continue my association with Guruji all the time.I appreciate the patience of Guruji and Iam always thankful to Guruji.My final words are Gem prescription is not that much easy, Only qualified persons like Guruji prescribe correct Gems not only with his sound knowledge in astrology but also with Daivopasana.

Name: Raghunath Date: 2007-05-13

I met Guruji 2 yrs back when Guruji was in India. At that time I am not a believer of astrology/God. I went to meet Guruji by the force of my friend.By time being Iam feeling the facts what Guruji told to me at that time.Day by day my faithness increasing on Guruji.But now i dont have fecility to meet Guruji directly.Bcoz Guruji staying in USA. Finally I tried to contact Guruji through phone and succeeded. Guruji advised me some remedies and I followed those remedies and got married with in 2 months. Now Iam very happy and Iam always thankful to Guruji.

Name: Rupa Nair Date: 2007-05-13

My case is different one. I have everything but Iam divorced. I came to know about Dr.Gurudeva on google search. I have given mail to Dr.Gurudeva through www.luckygemfinder.com. Surprised I got reply nextday and Guruji predicted my divorce and everything and asked me to contact through phone.Guruji prescribed some remedies and One Gemstone i.e Redcoral to me.I followed those remedies and I won the case in court of law, which one filed by my spouse. Now Iam very happy. I tried so many astrologers but I came but I never feel satisfaction. I strongly believe some power is there in his talks,may be due to his Daivopasana.I wore that Redcoral before told by Guruji but it never yields good results. But this time I take this Gem from guruji and wore it in the auspicious time prescribed by guruji.Iam always thankful to Guruji.

Name: sankar Date: 2007-05-07

I am a sofware engineer working in an MNC. practically came to know the power of Gems in my life.Iam so much surprised after feeling their effect. Dr. Gurudeva is very well versed in ancient astrology with extremely precise and valuable predictions and analysis of one's horoscope.

Name: sunita Date: 2007-05-06

dr.deva is very good astrologer.things started getting beter in my life after consulting dr.deva.remedies he says will realy help.i recomend everybody to talk to dr.deva.i am already recomending him to my entire family.i am feeling good mentaly ,and confident after wearing the gem he told me ,so i recomend that one who gets his advise is very lucky ,to get sucess in life in all fields.there is some supernatural power in dr.deva s predictions .thats what i felt .his predictions are 100 percent real .his remedies r already helping me.thank u very much dr.gurudeva.i realy appreciate the time and patience he has to help everyone who ever comes to him. he helps in healing of all kinds of pain and sorrows in life.15 years back i never believed astrology ,use to say that everything is in our hands ,but now in these 14 years after suffering ,now after talking to dr.deva ,i started believing astrology and started believing god too.he helps in coming out of all kinds of pain.his remedies and advise made me stronger .i feel i can achive everything in life ,only after talking to dr,deva.thakyou very much dr.deva.i recomend everyone to get his help.

Name: Bhakti Date: 2007-05-05

Thank you very much for all ur services...i have already recommended u to my family n friends. Nice site too!! thank you

Name: Arti Date: 2007-05-05

Dr. Deva is really a good astrologer. His service is great. I would definitely recommend him. Thanks Dr. Deva!

Name: nikhil Date: 2007-05-04

Gurji is having perfect knowledge of astrology.He is best in world.He is a life healer for all those who have not been successfull.I suggest all of you to visit gurujis website

Name: chandana Date: 2007-04-30

first when i found this site i have automatically started trusting dr guru deva before i spoke to him. his responses are striaght and remedies for that are laso straight. though he dont know me he gave his vauable time to me and heard my concerns and now guruji is trying to help me and i am sure his help will solve all my problems.i reccomend this site and you can see a difference.

Name: BPS Date: 2007-04-29

Dr. Gurudeva is very well versed in ancient astrology with extremely precise and valuable predictions and analysis of one's horoscope. Further the quality of gemstones he offers is A grade, and prices for those are simple unbeatable and very reasonable (should you choose to buy from him). I recommend his services blindly and you won't regret. He prescribed me some gemstone for which I am saving some $$ to order in near future. Ask your self: who would want to offer astrological services for free when if they are not good or don't believe in it? Use his services. He answers all questions with patience.

Name: Supriya Date: 2007-04-27

Guruji is excellent getting some meaning and happiness and things starting to settle in my life due to Guruji grace. Wish everyone could follow Guruji and get success and happiness in life

Name: SARADA PRASAN BAL Date: 2007-01-30

dear guruji, please suggest me and see the real path for me.actually no astrologers can't predict for me the truth.my horoscope is a challenge for me. i am a civil contractor, my starting is good but i could not success in my life. i repent a lot for my financial carrier. when read all the comments from the gestbook i have a little bit hope for me that i also survive.please see me the light.I am really really worry about my life. yours sarada, 09937279079/09861544508.

Name: Meena Reddy Date: 2007-01-07

I got angry while Guruji first time telling there is no chances of mingle with my husband again in my life.But days running I came to know the truth what Guruji telling is happend in my life.No other astrologer told or expected these facts in my life. I strongly believe there must be some supernatural powers in Guruji`s predictions.Being a just good astrologer nobody can predict pinpoint predictions.I wonder ,as guruji said now I got chance to go USA.Thanks a million to Guruji.Iam appreciating his free, flawless service in astrology.I never forget Guruji in my life.

Name: Dr. B.Ravindra Reddy Date: 2006-05-17

It was amazing and astonishing to see the accurate predictions made by our beloved Gurudeva. He has just gave me a glimpse of what to expect in my future, and to my deep surprise, it just happened as said by Gurudeva. The remedies he advised to me were perfect and I was benifited by them. I practically came to know the power of Astrology and Gems in my life.I am so much surprised after feeling the...(trimmed)

Name: Jeevan Date: 2006-04-30

Great site for anyone who is seriously willing to make his/her life better than what it is now. Nature offers many ways for man to live a better life. While ayurveda betters our health, science of vaastu betters the energies in our house, science of astrology betters our understanding of the most likely happenings of our future life, the gems would better our luck in our life. It is important to note that luck always compliments hard work. So lets enhance our luck through this great site.

Name: Ms.Lata Naidu Date: 2006-04-15

Hi to the viewers.I am lata from Tirupati.I just say Dr.Gurudeva is the person who has given me a turning point in my life becoz of which i am in a very gud and sound position.He has given me the correct lucky gems according to my DOB and i request all the people to do according to the timings and the chant wat he asks us to do.I myself feel lot of change in my life after wearing the stones he had suggested to me.Gurudeva is man of full perfection and there is no looking back to our problems.I have wore indraneelam,diamond and an emrald as suggested by him.I really heartfully thank my guruji(Gurudeva) as today becoz of him i am in a very sound and healthy position.I would like every one to take his advice and act accordingly.He is really a gem of person with ful versatility. so i wish him best of luck to him. 91-939-360-0488

Name: Dr.chandra mohan Date: 2006-04-14

Thank you very much to gurudeva,i would like to appreciate his services to all over the world .Guruji is the best astrologer and prophet in my opinion.I benifited by his great knowledge in astrology.9885631175(india)

Name: Laxminarayana Reddy Date: 2006-04-12

I practically came to know the power of Gems in my life.Iam so much surprised after feeling their effect. Now Iam very happy and well settled in my life after 28years of life ups and downs. Iam always grateful to Guruji. phone: 09885037773(india)

Name: DHARMENDRA PATEL Date: 2006-03-30

My bussiness improved a lot after guruji"s advice on astrological gems.

Name: sarithareddy Date: 2006-03-12

Iam very happy to see this site. When any problem arises we can log to this site. all the best to this site.

Name: Dr kartheek Date: 2006-03-07

Lucky Gems are divine gifts of GOD for man,which make his life happy and prosperous.This site helps one to find his lucky gem perfectly. con no: 91-9440554626

Name: rajeswari Date: 2006-03-07

Iam very happy to see this site bcoz right now guruji`s services will be available all over world.

Name: Bindu Date: 2006-03-06

I am very happy to tell you that I got job offer, after being through ups and downs in my career life. The Sapphire really brought me luck. I am wearing it all the times.My sincere thanks to Gurudeva and team for giving me quick responses whenever I needed!

Name: Dr kartheek Date: 2006-03-06

Lucky gem is a gift of GOD for man ,that makes his life happy and prosperous.This site helps one to find their own lucky gem perfectly.

Name: Dr rajanesh reddy Date: 2006-03-06

nice site .all the best!

Name: Dr sushi chandran Date: 2006-03-06

A marvellous site for a gifted one

Name: sarithareddy Date: 2006-03-04

Very nice site. Good job!