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Naraghosha Yantra
Naraghosha yantra .This yantra is made with panchaloham. It isuseful to protect you from evil eye (Nazar). You can keep this yantra in your home or in your business area. This yantra will boost up your business and prevent you from negative energy. Pooja will be performed to make it effective before shipping.
Naraghosha yantra .This yantra is made with panchaloham. It isuseful to protect you from evil eye (Nazar). You can keep this yantra in your home or in your business area. This yantra will boost up your business and prevent you from negative energy. Pooja will be performed to make it effective before shipping.
Astadigbandhan Yantra
Astadigbandhan Yantra. This is made with pancha loham. This Yantra is for protection from spirits, devils, negative forces and from black magic. Those who are feeling any signs and symptoms of spirits in their homes, and for those who are dreaming spirits, devils in their sleep, they need to keep this yantra in their homes. Pooja will be performed to make it effective before shipping.
Astadigbandhan Yantra. This is made with pancha loham. This Yantra is for protection from spirits, devils, negative forces and from black magic. Those who are feeling any signs and symptoms of spirits in their homes, and for those who are dreaming spirits, devils in their sleep, they need to keep this yantra in their homes. Pooja will be performed to make it effective before shipping.
Vastu Yantra
Vastu Yantra. This is made with pancha loham. This Yantra is for protection from vastu doshas in the home,business propery. In USA 100% vastu is difficult to apply. Vastu doshas effects career, health, relationship,family members suffering etc.Financial downfalls also due to vastu effects.Pooja will be performed to make it effective before shipping.
Vastu Yantra. This is made with pancha loham. This Yantra is for protection from vastu doshas in the home,business propery. In USA 100% vastu is difficult to apply. Vastu doshas effects career, health, relationship,family members suffering etc.Financial downfalls also due to vastu effects.Pooja will be performed to make it effective before shipping.